I watched Michael as a little boy performed on many of his TV shows and was marvelled at his superb talent. I thought he was so cute. He was the main attraction of the group.
As time went on, there were many changes about Michael. However, my love for him never changed. Instead of criticizing him for some bad decisions that he had made, I felt sympathy for him. I don't believe it was Michael's fault for some of his unusual behaviour. Something may have happened in his life that caused him to be that way. Plus all the stress that people have caused him. Perhaps he never received the care that he should have.
I am amazed at how some of the same people who built him up, also broke him down. Perhaps to them, he was too successful. He was criticized, mocked and accused. He was under a tremendous amount of stress. A lot of people began to hate him, more so for his unusual transformation and for child molestation accusations. They were very cruel to him. His true fans were always loyal to him. I am one of them. As I mentioned before, I felt more sympathy for him than hate.
For those who criticized and hated Michael, remember when Mary Magdelene was brought before Jesus. They wanted to stone her to death. What did Jesus say to them? "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her". None of them could have done that because they knew they were all sinners, so they left.
Do you think Jesus, who is sinless, would have condemned Michael? No. But those who lie, cheat, steal and perhaps more horrible things, had condemned him for things they did not like about him. Some of these things were not even proven.
Goodbye Michael. Rest in peace. The peace you never got when you were alive. Your music would always remind us of you.
The link below is Lisa Marie Presley blogs about Michael Jackson's death and how it affects her:
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