Dr. Black stated in his sermon that the human eyes are never satisfied, no matter how much money or material things a person may possess. To them, there’s always room for more. Most people are naturally selfish.
My thoughts: A man may have a lovely wife or girlfriend beside him, but if another woman passes by, his eyes would be focused on her until she goes out of sight. I'm sure not all men are like that. I am not talking about just looking. (Am I not right ladies?) Why is that? because of SIN, (and I don't mean Social Insurance Number) lol. The human eyes are never satisfied. Jesus said, we are to resist the devil and he will flee from us. Jesus was also tempted many times when he was here on earth but he always resisted the devil.
Have you ever seen, or what appears to be, a loving family - husband, wife and kids. They seem to have everything, lots of money, two cars in the family and sometimes a cottage in the country, yet either one or both of them might be very unhappy and unsatisfied in the relationship. Often time one spouse might tolerate the other's infidelity (most often the wife) in order to remain married. That marriage becomes an emotional prison. In their mind it's better to be married, even if you're unhappy. To others, their happiness is more important than having a 'husband'.
2 Peter 2:14 (Whole Chapter) - They commit adultery with their eyes, and their desire for sin is never satisfied. They lure unstable people into sin, and they are well trained in greed. They live under God’s curse.
Dr. Black is truly an inspiration to listen to. Not only that, he’s also funny, in the sense that he adds humor to his sermon. You can never get bored listening to him.

His rich baritone voice lifted our once sad hearts to a higher level of joy. Some of his music has a Caribbean flavour, like No Turning Back and Tek Off Yuh Shoes. Some of his other songs include, There’s No God Like Jehovah, Set Free, The Midnight Cry and many more.
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